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PostSubject: ...1x1 #19...   ...1x1 #19... EmptySat Nov 15, 2014 9:41 pm

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PostSubject: Re: ...1x1 #19...   ...1x1 #19... EmptySat Nov 15, 2014 9:44 pm

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x x x

She sits on her chair with a smile plastered on her face, a soft, but cheerful one. You can't help but notice the amount of colour
she managed to throw on herself, from alien greens and flowery dark aubergines to neon yellow and nearly painful fluorescent
blue, but it works, with her blank canvas of light hair and neutral brown eyes. She has her legs crossed and hands covering her
top knee, with a very innocent look, but a note of wicked in the eyes as she scans you. She looks at you for a while until you
realise she won't speak until you do, so you ask her some basic questions.
"My name is Callahaway. Yes, I know. Shush yourself.
I like the name. Actually, it's not my birth name, it's quite a long story behind it... Oh, okay, of course I'll tell you."
She fixes her
hair and tucks it behind her ear, confidentially leaning forward, like she is about to tell you a top secret.
"My mum named me
Anastasia Elizabeth, and our family name is Callahaway. And I can't even describe how much I disliked my name"
, she huffs
"It was the name of the Russian princess who was, to put it nicely, murdered during Russian Wars, so it doesn't have
a very picturesque past. So when I was 18, I changed my name to Callahaway Clark, simple enough. Alliteration makes it pop.
Oh, can you say it?"
She tilts her head lightly before she over- pronounces her name. "Cal-a-huh-way." It's really not that
difficult, but people make inordinate amounts of mispronouncing it or making crazy connections. I've been called everything
from Clark Kent to Callahallahallaway. Yes, as ridiculous as it sounds. Mostly I just go with Cal, but that makes me sound
like that computer software, doesn't it?"
She raises her hands in a 'I give up' way. "If you think about anything better, I
would kindly ask you to submit it to me. Okay, now I've talked about my silly name for far too long, if it's the only question,
I'll be most disappointed."
Her eyes don't leave you for one second while you tell her what you need to know about her.
"I'm 28, as it wasn't obvious before? I most certainly don't look older... Do I?" A flash of worry runs through her face,
but disappears as soon as it appears.
"Okay, never mind that now. I work, of course, how else would I be able to afford
all these clothes and makeup, no matter how cheap and non-quality are they are? I work two jobs, one from eight
to twelve, and the other from two until... well, until every single person leaves. I'd better give you an explanation, huh?
My first job is in a jewelry store, where I make necklaces. It's pretty simple, you get an order in which order, heh, you
have to line the pearls or jewels or gems or stones in the way the customer likes it. And hook it into a circle. That's
it, in a nutshell. It's a pretty good job, calm, relaxed, and to top it off, the paycheck is exquisite for the four hours
I sit in a chair and screw around."
She laughs a high and squeaky giggle. "Now, the other job is a bit trickier, it
includes dancing in high heels."
She takes a moment before gaping at you. "I'm not a prostitute, I swear! I'm a waitress!
This came out so wrong, so, so terribly wrong. I work in a cafe in which waitresses dance. And I like dancing."
you ask her what type of dance does she prefer, she stares at you blankly.
"Err. It's a tricky question, really. I,
ever since I was a child, danced ballet in our local troupe, but I stopped, since ballet when you're a teen isn't cool.
Except that troupe, I have absolutely no professional and, well, real training and guidance. I'm self taught, so I do
tend to be flexible when it comes to style. Mostly I tap-dance, but all sorts of contemporary is fine. Versatile,
that's what I am. I can do everything, but nothing perfectly."

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I adore my family. Absolutely and utterly. If I ever get myself a husband, I expect a lot of children. A lot. At
least four, like in my family. But in my family it's a bit more difficult. See, my dad died in war. Iraq. My mum
had to raise three toddlers plus one on the way. And  I think she did an absolutely marvelous job. I've two
brothers, one older, one younger, and a sister, the youngest of us all. We all took great care of her, and
I even think we spoiled her. Her name is Josie, or, if you want to be daring, Josephine. She, our younger
brother, Patricio, and I have our hair colour from mum, and look like her, as well. And Wesley is a completely
different story. He has all his features from dad, but his personality is like mum's. Oh, I could talk forever
about the resemblance in our family, it's just so, so... fascinating. For example, Josie and Pat have their
eye colour from mum, and Wes and I have brown eyes, dad's, unlike their hazel-grey. The Wes and
Josie are also much taller than Pat and I, that's why Josie is a model, surprise, surprise, with her 24 years,
that's what we all expected from her. She's the main source of income in our family. The youngest, but
earns more money than Pat, Wes and I combined. Mainly because Wes is unemployed, and Pat is a
freelance writer of travelogues, which doesn't earn them a lot of money. Yeah, they're all pretty cool,
if you ask me, but they do have their faults, don't think they're perfect. Wes is a bit emotionally, err,
how to put it, distant? Josie is sometimes incredibly vain, and Pat likes to complain about being single
all the time and never works anything. Lives off of his sister's money, that little fox. Josie has this boy
who we consider is her boyfriend, Wes is married and his wife is so lovely, she makes his shell crack.
A cutie. It helps that she became the best of friends with the whole Callahaway family. Even our mum
approves of her, and she dislikes when anyone of us is in a relationship. Josie and Pat's first boyfriends,
panic, shock, horror. The poor boys had to pass a test to even go into our house. Oh, speaking of
houses, our family house is absolutely lovely, big, we inherited it from our grandfather from dad's side.
It has a big garden, so it was really great when Wes brought home strays. Unfortunately, we all moved
away. Well, all, except Josie, she stayed with mum. Pat lives God knows where, I don't know, he travels
a lot, and Wes and I used to live together until he got married, so now I'm renting out a small flat
with a huge closet and I'm okay. But almost every week we get together at our family house and just
talk to each other. Family bonds are pretty tight.

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“There comes a time when you look into the mirror
and you realize that what you see is all that you will ever be.
And then you accept it.
Or you kill yourself.
Or you stop looking in mirrors.”
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PostSubject: Re: ...1x1 #19...   ...1x1 #19... EmptySat Nov 15, 2014 9:58 pm

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x x x

Just to dance with you
It's everything I need
Before this dance is through
I think I'll love you too
I'm so happy when you dance with me

My name is Craig Revel Horwood, and I am a judge on Strictly Come Dancing. Okay, I am lying, I am called Markus Baynton, and I am a receptionist at the Royal Academy Of Dance. A f similarity between Craig and I, is that we both love dancing, but that's it. Now, I would be a teacher at RAD, as teaching dance is one of my favourite things, but my favourite thing is the thing stopping me from becoming a teacher. Her name is Emily, and she is my daughter, more on her later.  I love teaching, usually dance, but with Emmie's school hours, it makes it almost impossible for me to pick her up from school while  working. So I stick with an office job but sometimes I get to be a supply teacher, I always look forward to that.  Because, I basically become God, those children will follow my every order, like a mini dancing army. We dance our enemy to death.

Emily is my daughter. Well, not really. I adopted her, or more she was dumped in front of me and I took her in.  Six years ago, I was 19 and  I lived in a tiny apartment next to an orphanage. I didn't mind that much since I was at college and I hardly spent any time there. But, one time I returned from college to find a basket on my doorstep. Thinking it was some muffins from some admirer, I took the basket inside and was very shocked to find a baby inside, with no note or anything. Just a blanket and baby. Someone's SatNav fucked up. I really didn't mind though, as I said before, Emily is the most important thing in my life. I didn't want to take her to the orphanage because I knew with her only being a few months old she would be bullied. So, I adopted her- best decision I ever made. The reason I took her in had nothing to do with the fact I couldn't be bothered to walk a couple steps to the orphanage. But Emmie is now my little Ballerina, and I am guilty to say I spoil her to death. Seeing her little smile is key.

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x Emily and I couldn't look any more different. I have chocolate brown hair and eyes, while Emmie has bright red hair and green eyes. Plus, I most often have a beard which I am thankful Emmie doesn't because that would be weird, a six year old girl with a brown beard. Mm, odd. Anyway, I find with her not looking like me people don't like to accept that she is technically my daughter, for her sake I've kept it a secret she is adopted. Many children can't seem accept that. She believes her mother lives somewhere in Scandinavia. Off topic. Emmie loves pink, so most of the clothes I get her are pink and covered in animals, but her favourite clothes are her ballerina tutus and dresses. When she isn't wearing her school uniform she is always trying to get them on. Unfortunately, I bought her some ballerina pumps when she first moved in with me, and they still don't fit her. I wear more 'manly' clothing, including shirts and jeans, sometimes a hoodie if it is cold. I just tend to focus on Emmie and what she wants. I love seeing her happy.

x We moved out of the house next to the orphanage when Emmie was two, and was about to start nursery. I had finished my college, so had a bit more money, and I bought a small two bedroom flat above a barbers [he gives us a discount on hair cuts, nice guy]. It only has three rooms, the bedrooms and a open plan kitchen. But it fits us perfectly, it isn't too far from my job and Emmie's school is close by. It is situated just on the edge of London, a ten minute walk to RAD and a street away from Emmie's primary school. As soon as Emmie is heading off to secondary school, we'll move again, because then I will be able to get a proper teaching job as her school hours will be longer. That house will be bigger, and have better access to the parks and tourist attractions of beautiful London.

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Manakin Bird...

Mr Bojangles ~ Robbie Williams


Dark blue

Royal Academy of Dance

Pig dancing on a four-leaf clover statue...

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PostSubject: Re: ...1x1 #19...   ...1x1 #19... EmptySat Nov 15, 2014 10:27 pm

"Oh gosh!" I still heard the faint *bweeng* of the frying pan as I hit the person in front of me. The door to my newly acquainted flat was opened, and I didn't open it. "You git!" I screeched at the unconscious figure lying on the carpet (which I disliked and which I will change). "You utter and total dick! You try to sneak up on me? I didn't spend four years in Catholic school for nothing!" It took me those three sentences to realise that I had just been a victim of an attempted robbery, should probably call the police, and I was yelling to a non-present man. Brilliant."Um... Er." I coughed. "Can someone come and help me?" I shouted, still holding my pan up, in case the man wakes up.
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PostSubject: Re: ...1x1 #19...   ...1x1 #19... EmptySat Nov 15, 2014 10:33 pm

I was home alone, Little Emmie had gone to her afternoon dance class. I would teach her myself, but I can never really spot a fault in her. That isn't useful for her learning. At a shout, I looked up from the tv I was watching. I quickly shut it off and ran up the stairs. New neighbour, she must need help with her furniture or something. I made easy work of the stairs and looked around the small landing, heading to the open door.
"Er, hi?"
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PostSubject: Re: ...1x1 #19...   ...1x1 #19... EmptySat Nov 15, 2014 10:37 pm

"I think I was robbed", I announced, pointing at the robber (?) on the floor with my pan. "And I hit the bloke, I don't know how, don't ask, and I should call the police? Should I? What should I do?" The amount of confusion raised immensely when a not unattractive young man, about my age, seemingly polite, walked all the way to my flat to see a crazy, possibly aggressive individual and a robber. Also, the individual hadn't bothered to put any makeup that day and probably looked like a child.
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PostSubject: Re: ...1x1 #19...   ...1x1 #19... EmptySat Nov 15, 2014 10:42 pm

"Uh. I'll take this from you first" I reached for the pan, "I do like not having a pan shaped bruise on my head." I smiled softly at her, before looking at the unconscious guy. I used my foot to poke his cheek, successfully showing the guy was actually passed out.
"I think you might have killed him" I said, my medical skills are very flimsy, I don't think I have any.
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PostSubject: Re: ...1x1 #19...   ...1x1 #19... EmptySat Nov 15, 2014 10:47 pm

"Oh, did I? Oh, gosh", I bit my lip. "I'm not a murderer I swear! I was making dinner, I wasn't killing anybody!" I let out a long breath through my mouth, I didn't even realise I was holding it in. "I should call the police but I don't want to call the police, this lad is probably someone from electrics or plumbings or something and I'll get sued for killing him, oh gosh!" I let out a quick wheeze, on the verge of hyperventilating.
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PostSubject: Re: ...1x1 #19...   ...1x1 #19... EmptySat Nov 15, 2014 10:51 pm

I lowered myself to the floor and felt the guys neck,
"That feels like a heartbeat. Maybe we could dump him outside and blame someone else?" She wasn't taking this well, I could see that. But I had no idea what to do, and if the guy wakes up we're in for trouble.
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PostSubject: Re: ...1x1 #19...   ...1x1 #19... EmptySat Nov 15, 2014 10:54 pm

"Yes, let's do that. Yes." I sucked in a huge breath. "No, I'll do that, so he doesn't have your fingerprints on it. Wait, you already touched him, blimey, I'm in trouble." I moved the limp, dry hair from my face. "You know what, I don't think he's even a robber, I think he's my brother's friend or something, he sent out somebody to fix the lights in the bathroom. I murdered an innocent man."
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PostSubject: Re: ...1x1 #19...   ...1x1 #19... EmptySat Nov 15, 2014 10:58 pm

"Oh, I think he's alive" I poked hin with the handle of the pan, "So you haven't killed him. Just caused major head injuries or something" I was teasing, trying to lighten the mood or something. Plus she was pretty, teasing could be classed as flirting, right?
"We should wait 'til he wakes up. He might explain who he is. If a bad guy, you twong him again, you seem oddly good at that. "
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PostSubject: Re: ...1x1 #19...   ...1x1 #19... EmptySat Nov 15, 2014 11:01 pm

"But I don't want to twong him, twonging is bad", I told him and bit my lip again. I seem to do that an awful lot when I'm nervous. "Wait, Pat said he'll send his boyfriend because he's good with electrics... I killed my brother's boyfriend what does God think of me now", I actually didn't care what God thought of me because I'm a polite young woman generally, but I couldn't think of a higher species than Him.
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PostSubject: Re: ...1x1 #19...   ...1x1 #19... EmptySat Nov 15, 2014 11:07 pm

"He'll be fine when he wakes up. Here," People say that dancing doesn't improve strength. I think they're very wrong there; lifts are very hard to do if you're weak in the arm. I bent down and lifted him up bridal style; he was heavier than what I was used to, but I managed to get him onto a sofa, not letting go of the frying pan. She might hit me since I am a stranger. "He'll be a bit comfier than on the carpet" I concluded before turning to look at the girl.
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PostSubject: Re: ...1x1 #19...   ...1x1 #19... EmptySat Nov 15, 2014 11:11 pm

"Christ, don't steal my brother's boyfriend." I was a bit relieved when the bloke was far far away, and the fact that there was no blood on the carpet only made it better. "So." This is my attempt to a conversation. I am a very good converser. Never. "You're my neighbour?" I kept my tone casual, light, but it was still jumpy at places.
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PostSubject: Re: ...1x1 #19...   ...1x1 #19... EmptySat Nov 15, 2014 11:15 pm

I laughed lightly at that, "Not my type really" I replied, shaking my head. "Yep, that's me; Markus Baynton. Good diddly afteroono neighbouroono" I replied, bowing before holding out my hand to shake.
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PostSubject: Re: ...1x1 #19...   ...1x1 #19... EmptySat Nov 15, 2014 11:19 pm

"I'm... Clark." Better not confuse him with long complicated names. "I apologize for this greatly, I didn't mean to disturb you, I'm sure you have much better things in plan than me with my human troubles." My phone vibrated on the worktop and I knew it was either Pat or my mother. Oops. What could I say to him (to her it would be usual, I'm doing okay, no I'm not alone et cetera et cetera)? I'm sorry I nearly killed your boyfriend? And this one was a handsome one, too.
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PostSubject: Re: ...1x1 #19...   ...1x1 #19... EmptySat Nov 15, 2014 11:22 pm

"Quite alright, much better than the daytime tv that was on. Connie Price glaming up girls again, better than Toddlers and Tiaras; that just burns brain cells by the minute." I chuckled, "I am happy to help at anytime, just give us a call, rain or shine. I'd better leave you to answer your phone"
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PostSubject: Re: ...1x1 #19...   ...1x1 #19... EmptySat Nov 15, 2014 11:25 pm

"Ignore my phone, it's a family member, nothing important. I think I'd yell first, than call you, really." I leaned against the work top and 'subtly' pushed my phone away. It fell into the sink, due to friction force. God bless it being a Nokia.
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PostSubject: Re: ...1x1 #19...   ...1x1 #19... EmptySat Nov 15, 2014 11:28 pm

"Alrighty then. So, Miss Clark, what brings you to this part of town?" I asked, might as well stay for a bit. She seemed nice, and Emmie still has a couple hours left at class so I had time to socialise.
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PostSubject: Re: ...1x1 #19...   ...1x1 #19... EmptySat Nov 15, 2014 11:31 pm

"Oh, the usual stuff. My brother—other brother—he got married, so I had to move out of a flat I bpught, with my own money, so they could live in it. Sorry, I tend to rant. I also tend to apologize. Sorry."Hopefully my phone doesnt soak up water, then I have to get a new one.
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PostSubject: Re: ...1x1 #19...   ...1x1 #19... EmptySat Nov 15, 2014 11:34 pm

"Again, it's quite alright. How many siblings do you have?" I asked, finding sonewhere to lean against.
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PostSubject: Re: ...1x1 #19...   ...1x1 #19... EmptySat Nov 15, 2014 11:37 pm

"Heaps." I smiled a bit. My favourite topic. "There's actually four of us, just interesting enough. "You? Your family?" Did he say 'not my type' for what-was-his-name fainted bloke? His type was male? Shame, shame.
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PostSubject: Re: ...1x1 #19...   ...1x1 #19... EmptySat Nov 15, 2014 11:42 pm

"Nope I have none" I said, smiling at her. "Do you get along with them? It must be hard having so many. Never get lonely though, I suppose" I used to wish to have a sibling when I was younger, most only childs do.
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PostSubject: Re: ...1x1 #19...   ...1x1 #19... EmptySat Nov 15, 2014 11:50 pm

"Nah, I'm the strange sort, I adore every whacky bit of them." A blond appeared on the door of the flat. "Speak of the devil." Patricio looked mildly pissed off. "I should have known. You're just pissed off at my relationship status." He flung his hair out of his face, somehow woke up his 'friend' and dragged him out, as sudden as he got into. "Yeah, I get a lot of this. They always broke into my room as a kid, and now that we're grown up, nothing changed, even though he lives a bit farther than before. I'm sorry you got to see that, Pat will return later, and he'll probably apologize, because he'll feel guilty. I'm sorry." Hey, maybe he'll brink Markus a chocolate ir something, abd at least one person would be happy.
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PostSubject: Re: ...1x1 #19...   ...1x1 #19... EmptySat Nov 15, 2014 11:54 pm

"Well, I don't need to worry about having a murderer in the flat above me, now" I noticed, watching as the little scene. "I like to see siblings meeting up after they've moved out, even if it is for less than a second. "
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